Tuesday 23 August 2011


1. On 24 March 2011, to which bank, RBI had given permission to raise Rs.1000 cr. of which Rs.500 cr. can be raised through GDRs also?
1) ICICI bank       2) YES bank         3) HDFC bank     4) ING Vysya Bank           5) Dhanalaxmi Bank

2. If a letter from a bank, guaranteeing that a buyer's payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount, it is called ………?
1) Indemnity      2) Pledge             3) Mortgage       4) Letter of Credit            5) Estoppel

3. ……… sanctioned $89.7 million to Assam Power Sector Enhancement program?
1) IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
2) IMF ( International Monetary Fund)
3) IDA (International Development Association)
4) ADB ( Asian Development Bank)
5) IFC ( International Finance Corporation)

4. On 21 February 2011, Reliance Industrial Limited (RIL) sold away the sale of 30% stake in 23 blocks to the ..……… for $ 7.2 billion?
1) Scotland Oil   2) Vodafone       3) London Oil     4) Llyod Insurance           5) British Petroleum

5. March list of days given. Pick up wrong one?
1) 8 March- International Women's Day                 2) 15 March- World Consumer Day
3) 17 March- National Vaccination Day                    4) 19 March - World Disabled Day
5) 22 March- World Day for Water

6. Recently India’s longest rail bridge work completed having the length of 4.62 km connecting Idapalli to Vallarpadam in Kochi in ..……..?
1) Tamilnadu      2) Bihar                 3) Kerala              4) Odisha             5) Goa

7. On 11 January 2011, India’s third Antarctica research centre officially opened. It is .......?
1) Maitri               2) Dakshin Gangothri      3) Himadri           4) Astra                                5) Bharati

8. 22nd Moorti devi Award got by Dr. Raghuvansh (Hindi) and 23rd Moorti devi Award got by .……, the Malayalam writer.
1) C. Narayan Reddy       2) Akkitham Achuthan Namboodiri          3) O.N.V. Kurup                               
4) Veerappa Moily           5) Vishnu Sastry

9. How many teams participated in 2011 Cricket cup?
1) 15      2) 18      3) 14      4) 10      5) 8

10. National Games highest tally of Gold medals got by ……………? ( 70 Gold Medals)
1) Manipur          2) Haryana          3) Goa   4) Services          5) Assam

11. India is the ............ largest nation in the terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
1) Second            2) Fifth                  3) Third                 4) Fourth             5) Tenth

12. The famous personalities are given. Pick up correct pair?
1) K. Subramanyam - Defence Analyst    2) Fateh Singh - Conservator for Wild Life
3) Ashok Sahani – Mining             4) K.S.Chitra - Vocal Music            5) All of above

13. The heads of the states/ appointments are given. Pick up wrong one?
1) Loonel Fernandez Reyna-president of Dominican Republic      2) James Alix - president of Scychelles
3) Mari Kiviniemi - Prime minister of Finland       
4) Kamala Persad - Bissessar- Prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago        5) None

14. Which day is celebrated as Earth day?
1) 18 April            2) 14 April            3) 22 April            4) 23 April            5) 7 April

15. Indian National Maritime day celebrated on ............?
1) 12 January      2) 15 January      3) 28 February                   4) 5 April              5) 8 March

16. The books written by V.S. Naipaul?
1) Half a Life       2) A House for Mr. Biswas            3) In A Free State            
4) Bend in the River        5) All of above

17. Which among the following book is not written by A.P.J.Abdul Kalam?
1) Inspiring Thoughts      2) wings of fire  3) The Greatness Guide               
4) 2020- A Vision for the New Millennium             5) My Journey

18. The highest number of wickets taken in World cup Cricket 2011 (with economy rate of 3.62 ) is .............
1) Muralidharan                2) Yuvaraj Singh        3) Zaheer Khan            
4) Tim Southee             5) Shahid Afridi

19. The statements related to the famous Games in the world are given. Pick up wrong one?
1) Olympics- 2008 (Beijing), 2012 (London), 2016 ( Rio)
2) Common Wealth Games-2006 (Sydney), 2010 (New Delhi) , 2014 (Glasgow)
3) Asian Games-2006 (Doha), 2010 (Guangzhou) , 2014 (Incheon)
4) South Asian Games-2006 (Colombo), 2010 (Dhaka), 2012 (New Delhi)
5) None

20. The sports terms are given. Pick up correct one?
1) Cricket- Ashes, Banana, Caught, Doosra, Fine Leg, Googly, Hat-trick, In swing
2) Chess-Bishop, Capture, Grand Master, King, Pawn, Queen, Rook, Stalemate
3) Basket Ball-Basket, Blocking, Free Throw, Jump Ball, Multiple Throws
4) Hockey- Advantage, Bully, Corner, Dribble, Free-hit, Goal Line, Green Card
5) All of above

21. To protect the farmers and cattle growers against any eventual loss of their animals due to death …….. was introduced by the ministry of Agriculture in 2005-06. The premium also subsidized up to 50% by the governments.
1) Animal Health Insurance Scheme
2) Animal Health Scheme
3) Live Stock Protection Scheme
4) Animal Breeding Scheme
5) Livestock Insurance Scheme

22. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY) announced by the Prime Minister August 15, 2007, to provided the insurance cover to Below Poverty Line (BPL) up to Rs.30,000 per annum for a nominal registration of Rs. ………. ?
1) 100    2) 200    3) 30      4) 150    5) 500

23. Union Budget 2011-2012 enhanced Lower Excise duty from 4 percent to ..……%?
1) 5         2) 6         3) 7         4) 8         5) 9

24. Aam Admi Bima Yozana (AABY) announced on 2 October 2008, provides the insurance if the bread winner in the family dies or disabled in the rural area. Who administers this scheme?
1) LIC     2) State Governments   3) UNO 4) ASHA                5) None

25. Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (PURA) provide the ..… organized by Ministry of Rural
Development (MoRD)?
1) Urban Infrastructure 2) Rural Infrastructure   3) School Education         4) Higher education       
5) All of above

26. Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme introduced on 1 February 2009, provide the pension of Rs.200 to the widows aged between ……..years?
1) 40-60                2) 50-70                3) 55-65                4) 45-64                5) 58-65

27. The Custom duty exemptions as per the 2011-12 Budget proposals are given               below. Pick up Correct one?
1) Batteries imported by manufacturers of electrical vehicles
2) Concessional excise duty of 10 per cent to vehicles based on Fuel cell technology.
3) Basic customs duty on solar lantern reduced from 10 to 5 per cent.
4) Exemption from import duty for spares and capital goods required for ship repair units extended to import by ship owners
5) All of above

28. The book list is given. Pick up wrong one?
1) R.K.Narayan-Swami and Friends, Grand Mother’s Tale, A tiger of malgudi, the man- eater of malgudi, A horse and Two Goats, The Bachelor of Arts, The Guide
2) A.P.J.Abdul Kalam- Inspiring Thoughts, wings of fire, Indomitable Spirit, 2020- A Vision for the New Millennium, Guiding Souls, Envisioning an Empowered Nation
3) Chetan Bhagat-2 States, 3 Mistakes of My life, One Night @ The call Center,Five Point Some One
4) Robin Sharma- The Greatness Guide, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable On Real Success in Business and in Life
5) None

29. Which bank was emerged as the most popular bank 2010 in the case of more online visits?
1) SBI     2) CITI bank        3) HDFC                                4) Bank of Baroda            5) None

30. The Railway Budget 2011-2012 proposals to construct new projects are given below. Pick up correct one?
1) A bridge factory will be set up in Jammu
2) Disel Locomotive unit will be established in Manipur
3) Wagon units in Kolar (Kerala), Alappuzha (Kerala) and Buniadpur (West Bengal)
4) 700 MW gas based power plant will be established in Thakurli in Maharastra
5) All of above

31. The recent appointments and elections was given. Pick up wrong one?
1) Pascal Lamy elected as the Director General of WTO
2) Anibal Cavaco Silva elected as the president of Portugal second time
3) Sudhir Chandra took oath as the chairman of Central Board of Direct Taxes.
4) K.S. Das Guptha became the Director of the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology
5) None

32. To kill the financial problems of Hand Weavers, Union Government provides Rs. 3,000 cr to ………… as per the budget 2011-12?
1) SBI     2) SFC    3) NCB  4) State Governments   5) NABARDBANK EXAMS

33. SAIL ultimately got clearance from the ministry of environment and forests to            dig Iron Ore Mines. These mines are located in ……….?
1) Goa   2) Odisha             3) Andhra Pradhesh        4) Jharkhand      5) Bihar

34. IAF inducted ‘Super Hercules’ Transport Aircraft, imported from ………?
1) Russia              2) UK     3) France             4) USA  5) Italy

1-5; 2-4; 3-4; 4-5; 5-3; 6-3; 7-5; 8-2; 9-3; 10-4; 11-4; 12-5; 13-5; 14-3; 15-4;
16-5; 17-3; 18-5; 19-5; 20-5; 21-5; 22-3; 23-1; 24-1; 25-1; 26-4; 27-5; 28-5;
29-3; 30-5; 31-5; 32-5; 33-4; 34-4.

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